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Agreement between the Governments of the BRICS States
on Cooperation in the Field of Culture
Ufa, Russia, July 9, 2015
[EN] [RU]
The Governments of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa (BRICS), hereinafter referred to as the "Parties",
pursuant to the declarations made during the BRICS Summits in the cities of Sanya, Delhi, Durban, and Fortaleza,
being aware of the importance of broadening and deepening the cooperation in the field of culture,
being convinced that cultural dialogue contributes to the progress of nations and better mutual understanding of cultures, facilitating rapprochement of peoples,
being firmly committed to the BRICS values in the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, equality, respect for cultural diversity, and mutual respect and learning,
have agreed as follows:
In accordance with this Agreement, and laws and policies of their states, the Parties shall develop and promote cooperation and exchanges in the field of culture, including the art of music and dancing, choreography, theatre, circus, archives, publishing and libraries, museums, cultural heritage, fine, decorative and applied arts, audio-visual works, and in other creative activities provided for by this Agreement.
The Parties shall cooperate in the sphere of training and skills upgrading of culture and art professionals and heritage practitioners in specific areas.
The Parties shall facilitate exchanges of scientific and research workers, academics, experts and students in the framework of programmes of interest, and develop joint programmes between institutions of culture, art and training of relevant specialists in the Parties' states.
The competent authorities of the Parties shall exchange information on cultural activities taking place in their states involving exchanges of creative and scientific experience. The Parties also encourage the participation of their representatives in such activities.
In accordance with their international obligations and laws and policies of their states, the Parties shall cooperate in preventing illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property of their states, and exchange relevant information in this regard.
The Parties recognise the contribution of cultural heritage to the sustainable development agenda, and shall cooperate on programmes in this regard.
The Parties shall promote enhanced cooperation in such fields as protection, preservation, restoration, return and utilisation of cultural heritage objects.
The Parties shall provide mutual support and assistance in the management of cultural heritage sites and submission of applications for inscription of such sites in the World Heritage List.
The Parties shall also promote enhanced cooperation in the field of safeguarding or protection (as the case may be under the laws and regulations of the Parties' states), and promotion of intangible cultural heritage.
The Parties shall promote the development of cooperation in the audio-visual field.
National agencies and organizations of their States are encouraged to:
- have screenings of audio-visual works and participation of audio-visual professionals in international activities as per the rules and regulations of the Parties' states;
- work on joint projects with a view to facilitating co-production and exchanges of audio-visual works.
The Parties shall assist in developing and facilitating widest possible cooperation in the field of popular and traditional expressions of culture, including organization of exhibitions, festivals, national culture days, traditional festivities and performances of traditional cultural groups within the framework of activities held in their respective States.
The Parties shall have consultations and develop cooperation on matters of common interest in the fields of traditional knowledge and cultural expressions.
The Parties shall encourage exchanges of young creative teams and young performers for participation in international youth programmes, creative meetings, open-air and youth festivals of arts.
For the purposes of facilitating mutual understanding and intercultural cooperation, the Parties shall encourage the exchange of copies of documents and materials related to the culture, history, social and political development of their States.
The Parties shall encourage cooperation and exchanges, including through exhibitions, amongst libraries and museums of their States.
The Parties shall encourage exchanges and cooperation in the fields of printing and publishing, participation in international book fairs, translation into the languages of the Parties, and support the exchange of visits by the staff of the government and corporate publishing sectors.
The Parties will promote cooperation and exchange of experiences between agencies of cultural and education sectors working in the field of creative
industries, as a pillar of sustainable development, especially from the viewpoint of research, monitoring, information systems, business support and creative entrepreneurship, and capacity building and skill development of professional staff.
Specific terms (including financial ones) of the activities being organized shall be determined through direct consultations between competent authorities of the Parties concerned.
Where necessary, the Parties may develop specific programmes of cooperation in arts, culture and heritage and other related spheres.
The present Agreement does not restrict the right of the Parties to engage in bilateral and other multilateral cultural exchange programmes.
Any amendment to this Agreement shall be made by agreement of all of the Parties, executed in the form of a separate protocol, which shall enter into force according to the procedure established in Article 21.
In case of any disagreement among the Parties as to interpretation and/or implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall seek an amicable resolution of such disagreement by negotiation and consultation through diplomatic channels.
The English language shall be used as a working language for cooperation in the framework of the implementation of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall not affect any rights and obligations of each of the Parties under any other international treaties to which they are parties.
Unless the Parties agree otherwise, termination of this Agreement shall not affect the implementation of programmes and activities agreed upon before the termination of this Agreement.
The Government of the Russian Federation shall be the Depositary of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period and shall take effect on the date when the Depositary receives the last written notification of completion by each Party signatory to it of the internal procedures necessary for giving effect.
Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement by written notice sent to the Depositary at least three months before the date of withdrawal. The Depositary shall notify the other Parties of such intention within 30 days of receipt of such notice. Such withdrawal does not affect the implementation of programmes and activities agreed upon before the withdrawal comes into effect. The Agreement shall remain in force for the other Parties.
Done in _______ on the ______, 2015, in one original in the English language. The original copy of this Agreement shall be deposited with the Depositary that shall send a certified copy of this Agreement to each Party.
Source: Russian Presidency of the 2015 Ufa Summit